Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Sea Glass Jewelry, Beachcombing in January, What's New in My Shops...

Let's get the beachcombing out of the way right from the start... hitting the beach in the winter takes some serious motivation. I've only been out a few times this winter, but my hubby tries to get to the beach more often.
So far January has proven to be a rather frigid month in New Jersey and the possible days to go out haven't coincided with the tides. Therefore, the pain of getting about in single digit temps, with wind-chills near zero or below, just isn't worth it.
The only day this year my hubby went out, was cut very short by wicked winds that made hunting sea glass almost impossible. His 10 minute walk on the beach yielded a couple of mediocre greens and 1 brown piece, along with a couple of unfinished pieces of browns and amber. Certainly not worth the exposure of skin to the elements.

Yesterday, I listed a pretty Kelly Green necklace to my Etsy shop (along with a few regular glass bead Valentine's Day-themed pieces) The new green necklace is a very dark green, well tumbled... smooth and frosted with great markings from it's time spent in the sea.
Later today, I'll be adding another awesome piece of Gray sea glass to one of my shops (probably Etsy, possibly ArtFire)
The image of the gray sea glass necklace is shown above and this very light gray shows a lot of markings, is very smooth and nicely frosted. Followers of my blogs (I also have a 2nd blog at ) may know that gray sea glass falls into the extremely rare color category and finding a gray piece is about 1 in 2,500 pieces.
This is only the 2nd gray piece of sea glass that I found to be in jewelry quality. I did have a request to drill this piece for a custom necklace, but I just couldn't bring myself to put a hole in such a beautiful piece of sea glass, so instead I wrapped the ocean gem in sterling silver wire.

I'll be sitting down to work on a blue sea glass bracelet, probably later today. I'm not sure exactly what color blue it will be, as I have some beautiful turquoise, cornflower and cobalts available. I may make a combo bracelet of all the blues or just stick to one color...whatever I decide, I'll post some images as soon as I take photos (the blue sea glass pieces just don't last very long in my shops)

'til next time...


  1. Beachcombing sounds fun! (although not in the freezing cold weather) I have never beachcomb before.. I doubt I can find anything except sand, shells, seaweed at the beach in Singapore :P

  2. I actually like beachcombing in the winter, especially on the days when it warms up a bit. I've found some of my best stuff on Lake Erie in the winter.

  3. What a beautiful elegant necklace!
    I would love to beachcomb. Sounds interesting.

  4. I love the beach glass and what you do with it...wish I lived close to a beach.
