Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is Blue The Most Popular Sea Glass Color?

Orange is the rarest, followed by the color of love....Red. Many people love the earthier colors green and brown. But are the shades of blue, the most popular of sea glass colors?

When it comes to jewelry, it is virtually impossible to keep jewelry made with cornflower blue sea glass or cobalt blue sea glass in stock. No matter how many gorgeous pieces of teals, pinks or greens I have on my display, it's the deep blue pieces that receive the biggest oohs & aahs. A knowledgeable sea glasser will often jump at a reasonably priced red piece of sea glass jewelry, especially if it is close to being shaped like a heart. The in-the-know customer will also find it hard to pass by a flawless, dark teal piece... but there is something about the blues. They will examine every piece of blue on the table and the shade doesn't matter. From aqua to turquoise and every shade in between, almost always, not one blue goes untouched.

Amazingly, it doesn't matter how much or little the potential buyer knows about sea glass, they see the blues and if it's within their budget, they have to have them. (and in pre-recession days, it didn't have to be within their budget...they wanted it, whatever the price!)

(At this point of the this blog entry, I took a look at my Etsy shop... 4 of my last 7 Etsy sales have been blue pieces of sea glass jewelry. 2 aquas, and 2 cobalts.)

My personal sea glass jewelry collection had been comprised of mostly teals, olive & kelly greens, and a brown or two. I recently added my first blue to my collection... a gorgeous English cobalt blue necklace (which I've been wearing pretty much exclusively every day for the last 2 weeks)

As much as I always hope to find an elusive orange or red piece of sea glass on the beach, I do get excited when I spot a dark blue piece sitting in the sand. There is something about seeing a wet piece of cobalt blue sea glass, glistening in the sun, laying in the sand. I just know that if it is a piece that is jewelry-quality, it's already as good as sold.

Unless I decide to add a 2nd blue piece of sea glass jewelry to my personal collection.... after all, there is just something about those blues!

I hope you enjoy the images... but they aren't mine any longer. They have all found new homes recently.

til next time...

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